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Zertifikate für einzelne Domains im Vergleich

Thawte SSL 123 - DV

Secure a single, primary domain. Verify ownership and receive a certificate within minutes.

12 € / Monat / Standard-Domain
12 Monate auto-renewing Abonnement 156,00 €


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  • Unlimited certificate issuance/replacement
  • Thawte Trusted Site Seal
  • DigiCert 24x5 standard support
  • DigiCert CertCentral management portal

Thawte SSL 123 - DV

Secure your primary domain and any number of subdomains. Verify ownership and receive a certificate within minutes.

60 € / Monat / Wildcard-Domain
12 Monate auto-renewing Abonnement 648,00 €


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  • Unlimited certificate issuance/replacement
  • Thawte Trusted Site Seal
  • DigiCert 24x5 standard support
  • DigiCert CertCentral management portal

Thawte SSL Webserver - OV

Secure confidential information exchanged online and assure users of your site's authenticity with a trusted site seal.

24 € / Monat / Standard-Domain
12 Monate auto-renewing Abonnement 288,00 €


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  • SSL123 DV benefits, plus:
  • Organization validation for higher level of trust

Thawte SSL Webserver - OV

Secure multiple sub-domains under a single certificate and assure users of your site's authenticity with a trusted site seal.

68 € / Monat / Wildcard-Domain
12 Monate auto-renewing Abonnement 924,00 €


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  • SSL123 DV benefits, plus:
  • Organization validation for higher level of trust

Thawte SSL Webserver - EV

Secure your domain with the highest level of protection and assure users of your site's authenticity with a trusted site seal. Ideal for sites that collect payment and sensitive data.

36 € / Monat / Standard-Domain
12 Monate auto-renewing Abonnement 444,00 €


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  • SSL123 DV and SSL Web Server OV, plus:
  • Extensive company validation for further brand protection

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