Thawte Certificate Center Tour

Thawte Certificate Center - SSL Certificate status
Thawte Certificate Center
2 Checking certificate status

Two days have passed since John renewed his certificate and he has not received it yet. John remembers he created a username and password during renewal, so he goes to his bookmarked Thawte Certificate Center sign-in page and signs in.


When his home page opens, John sees the name of his certificate in the Your Total Certificate list.


John notes that the certificate's status is still Pending and displays an alert icon  Alert, indicating that Thawte requires further information to complete John's renewal order.


The Progress bar also shows that Thawte has partially completed the authentication steps required to issue the certificate.


John reviews the Status tab below the certificate list for additional detail on the alert.

In this case, Thawte has not received a response for organizational contact verification.


John remembers that Jennifer was the organizational contact for this certificate, but she is no longer with Bizybank Inc.

Because this authentication step has not been completed, John can change the organizational contact information.

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