Thawte Certificate Center Enterprise Account Tour

Your Total Prepaid Units
Thawte Certificate Center
7 Managing your prepaid certificate

Review the status of your account's prepaid units in your Total Prepaid Units list on your Thawte Certificate Center home page. Your Total Prepaid Units list displays all prepaid units in your account, including how many are available for new certificate requests, how many have been used, and when they are expiring.


If your Total Prepaid Units list does not appear automatically on your home page, click the Prepaid Units tab.


Review your Total Prepaid Units list. The Available column indicates the number of prepaid units you can use for certificate requests now.


Select a prepaid unit type in the list and review the Status tab below. The Status tab indicates if you have any prepaid units of that type expiring soon. Expired prepaid units are no longer valid and are not refundable.

Tip: If you have prepaid units that are expiring, see if you have any new or renewable certificates you can request with the expiring units. A certificate can be renewed as early as 90 days before the certificate expires.


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